
2008-08-11 2:10 am

男仔[the boy]因為對鞋太舊..問左佢哥哥對鞋黎著..但對鞋吾系咁match佢..
佢地[the buy's team]贏左..佢地好開心

re.可以令字數多點嗎 我要150字的=]

回答 (3)

2008-08-11 2:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since the shoes are too old,the boy ask his brother to wear his brother's shoes
However, the size of the shoes is too big.
But the boy wear the shoes to the football game
when there was 1 minute left , the match is 2-2 drawl
The boy shoot , and his shoes were being out
Luckily, it is the goal.
The boy's team won and they fely happy
參考: 我
the boy because of too old to shoes..Ask a left Ju elder brother to write to the shoes Li..But to the Ju of the shoes my department Gan match..
Too loose..But the male Zi Zhong wear the Ju compete..The Dang Zhong has the 1 min the Ge..Marks department 2:2..
The Ju goes football Tang into the Dragon gate, in the meantime Ju to shoes because of too loose..Drop left pay Li..Luckily..Football goes into left Dragon gate.
Ju groundthe team of the buy'swin left..The Ju ground is very happy
參考: Me
2008-08-11 4:51 am
The boy seeks a new pair of shoes to replace his old ones. Then, he asked for the ones of his brother. However, the size of the borrowed pair was too large. Nonetheless, the boy wore them for a football competition.

Swiftly it is the last minute of the competition,both team scored 2. The boy made his crucial shot to the goal and scored the last score. However, his shoe flew off since it was too loose.

The competition ended with delight.

2008-08-19 21:05:20 補充:
請唔好理以上既passage, 我加長左喇:

The interschool football competition was approaching, Tom was seeking a new pair of shoes to replace his old ones. He had no choice, no one could lend him one, so he asked for the ones of his brother.

2008-08-19 21:05:28 補充:
‘Tom, I think they are quite large for you. You know, loose shoes are no good for playing football’ . Warned by his brother, Tom had no fear. ‘Okay, bro, I feel good with it’.

2008-08-19 21:05:35 補充:
On the day of the competition, Tom looked smart as being the team leader. The sharp sound of the whistle marked a close race. Even after the first half of the race, there were still no marks scored.

2008-08-19 21:07:18 補充:
Swiftly it is the last minute of the competition. Tom made his crucial shot to the goal. All audiences gazed at Tom and the ball. Finally, ‘Paaaaak!’. The football was bouncing in front of the goal, but no one is caring the ball,

2008-08-19 21:07:23 補充:
but Tom’s shoes, which rest peacefully on the collapsed body of the goal-guard.

The competition ended with delight and overwhelming surprise.

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