english maths

2008-08-10 8:27 pm
1)There is a bottle of soft drink with a capacity of 1.5L. Amy drinks 1/3
of it. Betty drinks 0.25L. Then Cindy drinks 2/5 of the remaining soft drink.
How much drinks does Cindy drink?

2)In a class of 40 students,45% of them are boys and 55% of them are
girls.What are the number of boys and girls respectively?


回答 (1)

2008-08-10 9:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) Cindy drinks: 2/5^(1.5-1.5^1/3-0.25)=2/5^(1.5-0.5-0.25)=2/5^0.75=0.3L
(2) number of boys: 40^45%=18
number of girls: 40^55%=22
OR number of girls: 40-18=22

2008-08-10 13:59:18 補充:

(1) Cindy drinks: 2/5x(1.5-1.5x1/3-0.25)=2/5x(1.5-0.5-0.25)=2/5x0.75=0.3L
(2) number of boys: 40x45%=18
number of girls: 40x55%=22
OR number of girls: 40-18=22
參考: me

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