
2008-08-10 8:27 pm

Many important discoveries in science result from accidents more than from planning. Similary, Alexander Fleming (亞歷山大.佛萊明)discovered penicillin by accident.
Fleming was a British bacteriologist(細菌學家).In a morning in September,1928, he put a petri dish with some staphyloCoCCus next to an open window in his laboratory.He then left the laboratory . When he returned , he saw that some mould had been blown into the dish . All the staphyloCoCCus that he had been growing for a long time were contaminated .
Although it seemed that he whole wxperiment had failed ,Fleming did not put the dish aside . He examined the dish under the microscope and found staphyloCoCCus everywhere except the areas
around the mould . It was found out that the staphyloCoCCus , which is harmful to human bodies , could be killed by the mould.
This ' mould accident ' led Fleming to discover penicillin.
Later, some scientists including Howard Florey (佛洛瑞), Ernst Chain (錢恩)and Norman Heatley (希特利), worked together to improve the experiment and they succeeded in turning penicillin
to a medicine that can be stored for a long time .
In 1945 , Fleming ,Florey , Chain and Heatley received the Noble Prize in Medicine for discovering penicillin which is a great contribution to humans.


1.Fleming discovered that a substance had been blown into the petri dish . What is this substance?

2.Fleming's discovery in question(1) enabled him to make another discovery. What is the other discovery ?

3. What prize did Fleming receive because of his important discovery?

回答 (1)

2008-08-11 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Questions :

1. Fleming discovered that a substance had been blown into the petri dish . What is this substance?
Fleming discovered that some mould had been blown into the petri dish.

2. Fleming's discovery in question(1) enabled him to make another discovery. What is the other discovery?
Fleming's discovery enabled him to discover penicillin.

3. What prize did Fleming receive because of his important discovery?
In 1945 , Fleming ,Florey , Chain and Heatley received the Noble Prize in Medicine for discovering penicillin, which is a great contribution to humans.
參考: ^.^ Hope it will help.

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