
2008-08-10 5:41 pm

回答 (1)

2008-08-13 5:51 am
✔ 最佳答案

Simple Present
Simple Past
Simple Future

I study English every day.
Two years ago, I studied English in England.
If you are having problems, I will help you study English.

I am going to study English next year.

Present Continuous
Past Continuous
Future Continuous

I am studying English now.
I was studying English when you called yesterday.
I will be studying English when you arrive tonight.

I am going to be studying English when you arrive tonight.

Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Future Perfect

I have studied English in several different countries.
I had studied a little English before I moved to the U.S.
I will have studied every tense by the time I finish this course.

I am going to have studied every tense by the time I finish this course.

Present Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
Future Perfect Continuous

I have been studying English for five years.
I had been studying English for five years before I moved to the U.S.
I will have been studying English for over two hours by the time you arrive.

I am going to have been studying English for over two hours by the time you arrive.

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