
2008-08-10 9:09 am
A.David's grandpa is ill. What is his family going to do?Read David's diary find out.
12th September
Today I heard some bad news.Grandpa is quite ill.He went into hospital last weed.Mum said he was very thin.We are quite worried about him.I am going to visit him on Saturday.
30th September
Grandpa was alot better.He was cheerful too.The doctor said he can go home but he cannot look after himself.Mum and Dad said Grandpa might come to live with us.Then Mum can look after him.
1st October
Grandpa is going to live with us. Mum asked me to move into Jack's room.At first I was not very happy.Then I thought about poor Grandpa.He needs the room more than me.I am going to pack up my things tomorrw.
2nd October
I started packing up my things today and moved them into Jack's room.It is a bit crowded but we can manage.Then I helped Mum clean my room and make the bed.Grandpa is coming home soon.

B.Answer the questions.Finish the sentences or put a tick in the correct boxes.
1.Why was is better for Grandpa to come and live with David's family?
2.When did David start packing up his things?
3.David moved out of his room for Grandpa.David is a _______ boy.
(a)cheerful (b)friendly (c)kind
6.David now shares a room with Jack.What is the room like?
(a)It has a lot of things in it.
(b)It is dirty and small.
(c)IT does not have many things in it.

回答 (2)

2008-08-10 10:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
B.Answer the questions.Finish the sentences or put a tick in the correct boxes.

1.Why was is better for Grandpa to come and live with David's family?

Because Grandpa can not look after himself, he needs someone who can take care of him, so he comes and lives with David's family.

2.When did David start packing up his things?
He started packing up his things on October 3rd.

3.David moved out of his room for Grandpa.David is a (c)kind boy.

6.David now shares a room with Jack.What is the room like?
(a)It has a lot of things in it.
2008-08-10 12:14 pm
I think the answer for question 1 should be in past tense.

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