<40 marks> 各位知識朋友 , 入黎幫我手 ar !!! ( 數學F.1 ) (86)

2008-08-10 5:39 am
各位知識朋友 , 入黎幫我手 ar !!!

我有幾條數學問題唔識 , 幫手解答 ar( 數學F.1 )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (要步驟)

1. 題目網址 : http://i34.tinypic.com/fnh3tk.png

2. Simpify:
(a) x + xy - 2xy
(b) ( 3x - 6 ) + 8x

3. Find the value of the following
(2^6)^5 / (2^7)^4

回答 (3)

2008-08-10 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. since AB is a vertical line, so x1=x2
and AB=y2-y1 (x2>x1) or AB=y1-y2 (x1>x2)
Therefore, ans. is A

2.(a) x + xy - 2xy = x+(1-2)xy= x-xy
(b) ( 3x - 6 ) + 8x= 3x-6+8x = (3+8)x-6= 11x-6

3. (2^6)^5 / (2^7)^4
2008-08-10 5:59 am
1. D

2. Simpify:
(a) x + xy - 2xy
= x + ( -xy)
= x - xy

(b) ( 3x - 6 ) + 8x
= 11x - 6

3. Find the value of the following
(2^6)^5 / (2^7)^4

= 1073741824 / 268435456
= 4
參考: myself
2008-08-10 5:51 am
1. I dont know 2(a).x+-xy 2(b)11x-48x=-37x
3. 1073741824/268435456

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