
2008-08-10 5:24 am
1).請問powell 長笛幾多錢?
2).請問有d 咩長笛牌子呢?我想知多d...
吾該曬 =]

回答 (2)

2008-08-12 3:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Powell 是專業級美國笛。最平三萬左右,一般六萬以上,我知香港有人有支二十幾萬的金Powell。
長笛牌子呢,就好多,日本的有Yamaha, Sankyo, muramasu, Pearl, 台灣有Jupiter, 美的有Armstrong.......仲有好多,有D香港無得賣。
2008-08-12 4:59 am
I am a flute player, maybe I can help you.
1).請問powell 長笛幾多錢?
Powell is one of the brand names well know for professional, they are expensive, but the quality are good, price are depends on models/materials (silver or gold).

2).請問有d 咩長笛牌子呢?我想知多d...
Depends on your level.
Student flute or open hole, Armstrong and Yamaha are reliable brand name, the price is ok.
Professional flutes are much more expensive; Powell, Haynes, Muramatsu, Pearl, Sankyo......

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