求歌(水樹奈々迷宮バタフライand BLACK DIAMOND大碟中的歌)

2008-08-10 3:18 am
who have BLACK DIAMOND ge mp3
BLACK DIAMOND(メジャー・バージョン)Vocal off
BLACK DIAMOND(インディーズ・バージョン)Vocal off
Blue Moon ge mp3
迷宮バタフライ ge mp3

I want to use in 手機 ,so can send to my e-mail?
[email protected]

P.S.(I want to have BLACK DIAMOND& 迷宮バタフライ大碟中ge 全部歌,please!!!)

回答 (1)

2008-08-12 2:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
我有BLACK DIAMOND& 迷宮バタフライ~~sd比你~~~""

2008-08-11 19:33:37 補充:

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