20marks 遇上外國人問路時...... 俾咁高回贈你唔好咁行交貨呀!!

2008-08-09 10:25 pm
如果有外國人問路....... 我想像會是逐字逐字吐出來, 很不完整. 香港身為一個國際都市, 如果簡單的對話也有難度, 真是丟臉啊!

有見及此, 外國人問路既時候應該點樣回應佢地

佢如果話Do you know how to go The Peak? 你識唔識去山頂呀?
咁我應該答咩? You're Wellcome? 歡迎您? That's very easy? 好易姐? I know? 我識?

例如 turn left/right, behind the something(building), allow something......

例如 nice to meet you

例如 hope you have a good trip?

回答 (4)

2008-08-10 3:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. If you know the directions to the place and can help.

Q: Can you please tell me how to get to The Peak?
- sure, no problem. I can help you.
- to get there, you can either walk (if short distance away) or take the public transportation (ie. MTR, buses, etc)
---example for walking -> From here, you go straight, make a left when you get to "x" street. It is about a 3 minute walk from here.
---example for transportation -> To get to the Peak, you would need to take the MTR. There is an MTR station across the street. Take the "x" line to "x" station. There would be signs in english at each MTR station exit that will help guide you.


When giving directions, it is best to keep it clear and concise. Depending on how fluent your english is, longer sentences do not necessarily mean better. Your goal is to get your point across and have the tourist understand how to get to their destinations.


You can always ask them about their trip or where they are from.
- so which country are you traveling from?
- how do you like Hong Kong so far?
- how long will you be staying here?
- what other tourist areas have you visited so far?
- have you tried the food around this area? there are some famous restaurants with really good food on this street.


Really depends on how the tourist is and if you have answered their question.

If they understood your directions and say thank you:
- you are very welcome. The Peak is a wonderful place worth visiting. Beautiful scenery and great atmosphere. Have fun!

If you did not know the directions and was not able to help them. They probably would say thank you anyway:
- sorry I'm not able to help you. I am not familiar with the directions to the Peak. Maybe you can ask other pedestrians or the staffs at the MTR station for help. Enjoy the rest of your stay in Hong Kong.

There is really no exact question/answer templates for conversations like these. It's important to adapt to the situation.
2008-08-10 1:13 am
A:Do you know how to go to the Peak?
B:Yes....(explain to him/her how to go there)
B:It's alright/No worries/It's okay
B:Hope you'll have a good time in Hong Kong!

u can use :
turn left/right
it's behind the white building
next to ...
you can go there by bus....

Hope this will help you
參考: myself
2008-08-09 11:40 pm
外國人 : Do you know how to go "to" The Peak?

Sure!Let me tell you how to go there?
You may go to 金鐘 by MTR first.Then,the can go there/to the peak by the cable car.
It is easy to go there(because of the H.K traffic's convenience).
#You know how to go to the peak now,right?#

外國人 : Yes,thank you very much.

You are welcome.Wish you have a nice day!BYE-BYE!

Hope i can help you la^v^
參考: me(英文方面,奪過五次公開比賽的獎)
2008-08-09 10:34 pm
Do you know how to go The Peak?

Ya...I know that , it is very easy ...I can ride a cable car


1. Have you ever been Hong Kong ?

2.Why do you like Hong Kong?

3.What do you think of Hong Kong


Enjoyed yourself in Hong Kong

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