Q1)書話eclectonegativity of an atom represent the power of the atom to attract electron to itself in a molecule. 咁佢就話 oxygen 係the second most eclectronegativity element.咁點解係個 electonchemical series 到 O2 唔係一個比Cl2 ,Br2,I2 Strong ge oxidizing agent ?
Q2)幾多M ge solution 先算concentrated? 2M nitrate acid 算唔算concentrated?
Q3)what would be observe when concentrated nitric acid added dropwise to (explain the observation with suitable equation)
i)a saturated solution of iron(II) sulphate
答案寫個ionic equation 出黎個陣 係 3Fe2+4H+NO3-→NO+3Fe3+2H2O
點解會係NO唔係NO2? (用concentrated HNO3 唔係應該出NO2咩?)
ii)zinc granules
答案係: Zn+4HNO3→Zn(NO3)2+2NO2+2 H2O
呢次出NO2(咁點解兩題都係用concentrated HNO3會出唔同的NO/NO2?)
同埋我想問寫equation個陣如果題目有寫明寫ionic定full 個陣,係咪我想寫
邊種都得? 就好似上面個題Q3)咁,佢i)係ionic 而ii)就係full equation