這三個字意思一樣, 你可以分別寫出一句嗎 ?

2008-08-09 5:33 pm
shuisee (shuisee),你好: 恭喜你!你的「你可 help me 將下列七個英文字, 每個字作一句簡單英文句子. 你可以嗎 ?」這條問題獲得正面評價數已超過20個,這表示有20個以上的人肯定你的發問呢!為感謝你對知識園的認真付出,現Yahoo!知識+ 將送給你10分,請你繼續努力! Yahoo!知識+ 敬上
這三個字意思一樣, 你可以分別寫出一句嗎 ?
1. understand
2. apprehend
3. comprehend

回答 (4)

2008-08-12 8:37 am
1. In order to write a sentence, you must first understand what the word means.

2.Many people apprehend the idea of God, but not all comprehend it.

3. Do you really comprehend what this book is trying to say?
2008-08-09 6:54 pm
I'm not sure that I really understand.
Prices are, I apprehend, inclined to rise.
The child couldn't comprehend the text.
參考: 字典
2008-08-09 6:30 pm
Do you understand how to operate the machine?
You are, I apprehend, ready to renew the contract.
The child couldn't comprehend the text.
2008-08-09 6:01 pm
Do you understand what the question "I don't really apprehend it?" means? I

don't comprehend.

2008-08-09 10:05:56 補充:

2008-08-09 10:11:25 補充:
Little bit correction.

Do you apprehend what the question "Mimi don't understand the road signs?" means? I

don't comprehend it.

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