Chrysalid is right about the rich minerals such as lead and copper as well as oil.
BUT he bulls**hit rest:
1.2 million Tibetans been killed has been blown out of proportion:
Prof. Barry Sautman’s 2001 paper “Is Tibet China’s Colony?: The Claim of Demographic Catastrophe” published on Columbia Journal of Asian Law. It has an impressive long list of references (332 in total!) from all types of sources: Da-liar Lama’s, newspapers, books, academic studies, etc. And it does an in-depth analysis on these references.
From non-academic side, I’d provide you two sources I read recently below (in Chinese). Both people had experience from Tibet. Again, I do not backup their figures:
Mr. Britex Xu, a Chinese scholar, was banished by the Chinese government to Tibet during 1982 - 1986, and becomes a firm criticizer of the Chinese government. He did a study on many Tibet issues in his book “Himalaya” ( In Section 2 Chapter 8 of the book, he compared the population increase between the whole China and Tibetan during 1949 - 1983 using the data published by Tibet Gov. Exile, western scholars, and western historical records. His conclusion is that the population increase of Tibetan is significantly larger than the increase of the whole China if the Chinese government had killed 1.2 million Tibetan. This is impossible given the fact of harsh conditions in Tibet. He suggested that the actual number of Tibetan being killed should be less than 200,000.
In the same chapter of the book, he referred to an estimation by Ngapoi Jigme, an advocate of Tibet independence and the Director of Tibet Division in Radio Free Asia ( since 1996. Mr. Jigme admitted that the number of 1.2 million is largely exaggerated. The actual number he thought is about 300,000 - 400,000.
Tibet WAS a PART OF CHINA since UK/US/India never open the door for Tibet into the UN. Tibet was suzerainty to China.
[[Chrysalid ]]
Are you questioning the like of a London based Tibetan activist and Ngapoi Jigme? Wow!