Can I use NTSC LCD TV in HK 高清 TV ?

2008-08-09 5:53 am
NTSC TV for HK TV set-top box?

回答 (1)

2008-08-11 8:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is yes but with certain caveats.

For HD digital TV broadcasting in Hong KOng, both ATV and TVB are adopting 1080i, i.e. 1920 X 1080. The thing is they are broadcasting at 1080i/50Hz (that is to say 50 frames per second) and this is the so-called PAL format. So, unless your set top box has the capability of converting 1080i/50Hz to 1080i/60Hz, you will not be able to watch Hong Kong HD programmes by using your NTSC TV (which is only capable of handling 60Hz signals).

I am using Magic TV set top box. This STB has the capability of outputing 1080i/60Hz signals. So by using Magic TV STB, you will be able to watch Hong Kong HDTV programmes in an NTSC LCD TV. Unfortunately I do not have information on other popular set top boxes in Hong Kong.

So if you want to use an NTSC TV to watch Hong Kong HDTV programmes, you have to choose a set top box with 1080i/60Hz output.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:11:06
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