英文Listening問題 (10點)

2008-08-09 4:48 am
我想問呢個網站 http://www.classroom.com.hk/weblink/c%2Dsec%5Fsummer/ 既 2007 既英文既 Listening Recordings 既 P.6 - S.1 既 Unit 6 講咩? ( 英文 ) 急 ! 急 ! 急 ! ( 15分 )

回答 (1)

2008-08-21 10:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Daniel went to a show about the environment, she is talking about the show now.
Listen carefully to Daniel, when you hear a BEEP, complete the note.

"I went to see a show about the environment at Queen Elizabeth Stadium the other day. There were two main speakers at the show. One of them was Bobby Low and the other was Doctor Mimi Wong. (BEEP) I got there about half past ten in the morning and the chairman of Green Peace was already giving the opening speech. (BEEP) At around 11 o'clock, there was a talk on pollution. (BEEP) The speaker talked about air, noise, sea and land pollution in Hong Kong. I thought it was a really good talk and I learnt a lot. At 12 o'clock, I heard about the Tree Planting Project 2007. (BEEP) I have applied to become a helper in this activity, I can't wait. In the afternoon, I heard a presentation about Global Warming, then a women told us how we could join Green Peace. (BEEP) At the end of the day, there was a Q & A session. (BEEP) I learnt a lot from the show."


“當天我去了聽在伊利沙伯體育館舉行的一個有關環境的Show。主要有兩個發言者在會上發言,其中一人是鮑比低(Bobby Low)和另外的是黃咪咪醫生。(BEEP)我去到時是大約10:30am, 綠色和平的主席已在說開幕詞。 (BEEP) 11點左右,有一個演講關於污染。(BEEP)一位發言者談到了在香港的空氣,噪音,海上和陸地的污染,我認為這是一個好好的演說,我學到了很多東西。在12時,我聽到有關植樹項目 2007。(BEEP)我已申請成為在這項活動中的一個助手,我不能等待。在下午,又有一個關於全球氣候變暖的演講,之後,一位女士告訴我們,怎樣可以加入綠色和平。(BEEP)在那天結束前,有一個答問會。 (BEEP)我學到了很多東西 。”
參考: Myself

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