
2008-08-09 3:47 am
can u explain to me why :
"the molecules absorb energy when the ice changes to water."is correct.
"As the water temperature increases, the molecules absorb energy."is NOT correct.


回答 (3)

2008-08-10 8:50 am
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When the ice changes to water,it absorbs latent heat of fusion,thus statement 1is correct.
In statement 2, the molecules absorbs energy as heat,but not energy.If we use the word "energy",it may refer to the internal energy of water(sum of kinetic energy and potential energy),it's wrong,the molecules does not absorb internal energy.Heat is the energy transferred from one body to another as a result of a temperature difference
2008-08-10 7:25 am
The second statement is also CORRECT.

When the water temperature rises, both kinetic and potential energies of water molecules increase. Thus, they are in fact absorbing energy.
2008-08-09 5:36 pm
For the first statement, when an ice change to water, the ice would absorb latent heat.The molecules in the ice have to gain energy for changing the state.
For the second statement, as the temperature of water increases, the molecules will vibrate more rapidly so that the kinetic energy increase. The molecules doesn't absorb energy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:28:13
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