
2008-08-09 3:05 am

本人及部分同事用這信之內容對公司管理及佣金薪金有些不滿的表達. 選寫這信的人不是針對某人或某件事, 宜是對公司整體的表達不滿, 重新這不是作出離間,誤導其他同事之表達. 個人祇想帶出問題本身已經存在, 不去正視問題或解決問題只會令事情變得更壞及惡化. 請不要找出是誰, 正視問題才是辦法.
最近有些員工對公司失望, 流失率高, 長遠影響公司發展. 本人得知營業部有大部分員工對公司沒有期望, 騎牛搵馬的大有人在. 貴為上市公司, 有褔利, 雙糧, 銀行假, 醫療褔利, 公職金等…. 何解員工要搵工跳槽???
本人有個人的見解, 因為本人是公司的員工. 身同感受!
本人工作不怕辛勞, 時間長, 追數, 搬貨. 祇怕生活不能糊口, 不能養妻活兒.
1.佣金制度不公平透明度不高, 佣金劃一及有上限, 是一種死穴,令到一些能幫公司賺更多錢的員工不公平, 區域大的同事戶口自然多, 跟進的事情也自然多, 工作時間一定會長及更加吃力, 但公司又不是多勞多得. 戶口數目各同事之間各有不同, 但佣金一樣, 這種情況只會分化同事之間的默契. 有一些分數的同事,存有偏心不足為其, 人心肉做, 難以分析.
2.電話問題, 公司常把同事的私人電話用作公司聯絡客戶之間的一種. 本人不是自私怕電話費用貴, 己是一些舊同事離開公司把電話取消, 己同一時間又未能請到新同事, 這樣會流失部份客戶, 在一個競爭的時代, 公司不應白白流失每一個珍貴客戶.
3.營業員的銷售隊伍分直銷A,B,C,D. 但員工覺得公司只對一些隊伍重視, 或一些同事重視. 本人話的不是推廣活動上的重視. 己是工作上的時間, 例如做酒吧的同事朝早返10:30但晚上可能到深夜, 有些營業部同事星期六要返公司但有些則不用返公司. 工作時間不公平. 還有直銷AB細分Keyaccount及A.E工作上大概相同但季度佣金差距很大, 影響深遠.同事與同事之間互相作出比較, 出現鬥爭,同事間感覺不公平及不受重視.
4.前線員工用了很多功夫,時間, 公司上的金錢, 才能把一間戶口傾好安排女仔, 但經常公司女仔工作不如理想.影響生意額.為何公司沒有真正深入了解女仔因何會比其它同行質量差, 其實並不難理解. 因為人工水平比其他同行偏底, 女仔對公司沒有太大歸屬感, 難以做出好成績. 資源花了但得不到相對效益
5.公司銷售目標, 員工勤勞工作, 達到公司銷售目標. 但換來背上更大的銷售目標, 生意額增加, 但薪金佣金相比減少. 這樣同事工作起來根本提不起勁. 員工只會對公司失望,放棄, 之後更會離去公司. 一環扣一環最後損失出色的員工, 到最後公司同樣也損失生意.

可以再把第2點至第5點轉成中文 THANK YOU

回答 (1)

2008-08-09 3:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
to departments in charge of human resources

I and some colleagues with the contents of this letter to the company management and salary commission expressed some dissatisfaction. The election to write this letter were not against a person or something, to the company's overall expression of dissatisfaction, this is not to drive a wedge between re, misleading Other colleagues of expression. Personally would like to bring their own problems already exist, do not address the issue or solve the problem will only make things worse and deteriorating. Please do not find out who is to address the issue.
Recently, some employees of the company disappointed the high turnover rate, long-term impact on the development of the company. I know most of the business staff of the companies do not expect, riding a horse cattle Wen many people. Expensive for listed companies, there are benefits, double pay Banks leave, medical benefits, the public, and so on…. Wengong why the staff to switch »» »
I have personal opinions, because I am a company's employees. Are the same feelings!
I am not afraid of hard work, long hours, few recover, to move cargo. I am afraid not living life, can not support their families.
Hope that the companies can point to increase staff morale.
1. Commission system is unfair transparency is not high, uniform and cap the commission, is a Sixue, so that some companies earn more money to help the staff did not fair, the largest regional natural colleagues accounts, things will naturally follow-up , Chairman of a certain time and work more difficult, but the company is not Duolaoduode. Members of the number of accounts between different, but the commission, this situation will only divide the tacit understanding between colleagues. Some of the scores of colleagues , There are less than its eccentricity, the people doing the meat, hard analysis.

2008-08-08 19:12:31 補充:
參考: google~, google

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