有冇人知點寫speech ................

2008-08-09 12:32 am
有冇人知點寫speech ar
20 pts 喔!!!
題目是 "global challenges in today's education "


回答 (3)

2008-08-18 1:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 上款
Principal Mr. Chan, teachers and students,

2. 問候,帶出講題
Good Afternoon. I am XXX from class YY. It is my honour to deliver a speech to all of you. Today I would like to discuss the global challenges in the education in the 21st century.

3. 講題的背景
As what every student enjoys, our government provides us with free education for 12 years. Some cities also do so. However, though the price of going to school is zero, the difficulties we face are of a great amount ......

4. 講題內容,論點,輔以例子
First of all, students are less willing to recite words and sentences. For example, the recent poll taken in our school has revealed that over 70% of us do not like reciting passages or books...
Besides, students are weak in speaking different languages...
Last but not least, most of the students are just exam-oriented but they lose the mind of seraching the true meaning of learning...

5. 總結
All in all, great challenges in today's education are faced right across the globe. I hope we can go hand in hand, and strive on to overcome these hurdles.

6. 致謝
Thank you for your kind attention.
參考: myself~
2008-08-15 1:26 am
1. 說話能力[U]
Animals lack speech.
2. 說話,言詞,言論[U]
We express our thoughts by speech.
3. 演說,演講,致詞[C][(+on)]
The chairman made an opening speech.
4. 說話方式,口音
By your speech I can tell you're from Hong Kong.
5. 民族語言;方言;專門語言[C][U]
6. (演員的)臺詞[C]
7. (作為學科的)演講法,辯論術[U]
8. 【文】詞(類);敘述法[U]
2008-08-09 3:58 am
唔知可唔可以從幾方面入手 (大多數要看全球發展'吹'勢)

1. 語言
- 英文水平

2. 通識, 多方面思考 的課程


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