Router 有幅射嗎?

2008-08-08 10:14 pm
我公司寫字枱附近有個Router, 型式係Level One WBR-5400,此機會發出幅射嗎?請問對人體有害嗎?

回答 (3)

2008-08-10 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Boradband routers emit electromagnetic waves (EM waves) of frequency 2.45 GHz. Those used in homes and in offices generally are of power of hundres mW (milli-watts).

A report by the Hong Kong Office of Telecommunication Authority (電訊管理局) published last December shows that the EM wave intensity around Wi-Fi Access Points throughout Hong Kong are only a few percent of the limit recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (國際非電離輻射防護委員會). Wi-Fi routers are of much higher power than routers in domestic and office uses.

As said by the World Health Orgainzation(世界衛生組織), present scientific knowledge still could not establish a firm conclusion that exposure to radiofrequency EM waves (射頻電磁波) would cause adverse health effects.
2008-08-19 8:50 pm
如 answer001 所講,幅射一定有,但數據顯示,Router 發出的幅射極之微弱,唔會影響到人體健康。
2008-08-13 12:03 am

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