english GE problem..

2008-08-08 9:02 pm
shorten the following sentence:
1)i saw two of my classmates .they were smoking
2)he gave me a cigarette before he left.
3)i started taking drungs after i discovered that it was even more exciting than smoking.

4)as i did not feel sleep,i watched a video
5)while standing behind the yellow line,the train was approaching.
6) wanting a cigarette,i bought some for my grandfather


回答 (2)

2008-08-12 10:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I saw two of my classmates smoking.
2. He left me a cigarette.
3. I started taking drug instead of smoking for more excitement.
4. I watched video because I was not sleepy.
5. The train approahes when I am standing behind the yellow line.
6. I bought cigarette for my grandfather.
2008-08-08 9:20 pm
I saw two of my classmates who were smoking.
he gave me a cigarette and left.
i started taking drungs as it was even more exciting than smoking.

i watched a video because of not feeling sleepy.
the train was approaching while standing behind the yellow line .
i bought some cigarette for my grandfather .

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