請你把下列英文寫成中文 ,你可以嗎 ?

2008-08-08 2:29 pm
Because the moral standard of today's word has reached the lowest of the lows, which have wiped out any traditional teaching from our ancestors but believes in wealth and power instead. When one raises a dog, he/she seems to be the master of the dog. But in reality, he/she is really a slave of the dog by serving the dog day in, day out. As the dog dies, of course, the slave will mourn the loss of his master. As to that person's parents, who may need his/her help or support from time to time as one can exptect from his/her children, that person considers they are the burdens to him/her and tries hard to distant from his/her parents as remote as he/she can unless his/her parents are really rich and powerful, that would be another story.

回答 (3)

2008-08-08 6:41 pm
Because the moral standard of today's word has reached the lowest of the lows, which have wiped out any traditional teaching from our ancestors but believes in wealth and power instead. When one raises a dog, he/she seems to be the master of the dog. But in reality, he/she is really a slave of the dog by serving the dog day in, day out. As the dog dies, of course, the slave will mourn the loss of his master. As to that person's parents, who may need his/her help or support from time to time as one can exptect from his/her children, that person considers they are the burdens to him/her and tries hard to distant from his/her parents as remote as he/she can unless his/her parents are really rich and powerful, that would be another story.
因為今天的話的道德標準已經達到最低的最低點, 哪個已經從我們的祖先那裡耗去任何道統的教導,但是改為相信財富和權力。 一個人養一條狗,他/她好像是狗的主人。 但是實際上,他/她真的是透過日復一日服務於狗一個狗的奴隸。 因為狗死,當然,奴隸將悲悼他的主人的去世。 至於那人父母,需要他的/她的幫助或者時不時地支援可能當時一能他的/她的孩子的預計, 那人努力嘗試考慮他們那些負擔兌一他/她並且到從他的/她的象他一樣遙遠的父母遠/她能, 除非他的/她的父母真的富有和強有力,否則那將是另一個故事。
參考: Dr.eye
2008-08-08 6:38 pm
第一句 today's word 明顯係 today's world 之誤,人手譯真係會咁都睇唔出?

我o既版本中,he/she 一概不譯「他/她」,好端端以一個他字代表所有人,有何不可?為政治正確、怕女權份子反感而寫出呢種中文,吾不為也。問者堅持的話請自行換返。
2008-08-08 4:30 pm
由於今天詞道德標準到達了最低低落, 消除了任何傳統教學從我們的祖先但改為相信財富和力量。當你扶養狗, 他或她似乎是狗的大師。但實際上, 他或她真正地是狗的奴隸由日復一日服務狗。因為狗死, 當然, 奴隸將哀悼他的大師損失。至於那個人的父母, 也許時常需要他/她的幫助或支持作為一罐頭exptect 從他/她的孩子, 人認為他們是負擔對him/her 和嘗試堅硬對遙遠從他/她的父母一樣遙遠像他或她罐頭除非他/她的父母是真正地富有和強有力的, 會是其它故事。
參考: myseif

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