想去熱浪島(摩摩茶)自由行, 唔知邊間 hotel 好?

2008-08-08 11:53 am
想去熱浪島(摩摩茶)自由行, 唔知邊間 hotel 好?

我有兩個心水 a)Berjaya Redang Beach Resorts

b)Laguna Redang Resort

邊間會好D 呀?? 請幫忙!!

回答 (3)

2009-02-09 12:30 am
Hi, in my memory, Berjaya Beach Resort is not in the same beach as Laguna, Laguna is located in Long Beach(More More Tea), whereas Berjaya is located in Berjaya Beach.

2009-02-08 16:30:42 補充:
Which one is better? It depends, i perfer Berjaya Beach Resort, because it has less people and i think the beach is prettier. It's more private.
2008-08-12 9:03 pm
多謝你們詳細的回答. Thanks a lot!!!
2008-08-08 8:32 pm
Laguna Redang Resort啦~ 麼麼茶果間屋就係俾呢間hotel 買左,而家變左做紀念品店,原貌仍然保留~

Berjaya 比較適合鬼佬去渡假避世,附近無野食無街行,全部焗住幫襯酒店,勁貴,要到島的另一面(即麼麼茶果便),要駁車再駁船~
參考: 4 月去完~

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