せつなーい 點解???

2008-08-08 10:36 am
比如話: せつなーいお顔 / せつなーい心
....即係點解呀? ....

回答 (2)

2008-08-08 12:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
せつなーい...(切ない) = 難過—在...(難過)

せつなーいお顔 / せつなーい心 = 難過—在臉/ 難過—在心
2008-08-13 12:48 pm
Good afternoon,

せつない means sad

せつない顔: sad face

せつない心: sad heart/ broken heart

The - in the expression is to put an emphasis. Like おいし~い in some oral expressions, it would imply "very delicous".

Why would you ask about せつない?Please have a nice time.

Aug 2008
參考: This is quite common expression in spoken Japanese.

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