有咩course可以提昇writing skill?

2008-08-08 9:58 am
大家好,我明年大學畢業,想提升自己的英文水平,especially在寫方面,可能因為我grammar基礎唔太好,所以聽講讀寫中寫最差。而我覺得英文寫作好唔好主要睇vocabulary,grammar and writing skill,而vocabulary不是話一朝一夕就可以improve,所以我平時都會上網睇下英文news or books,但我想改善自己的英文寫作技巧和文法,請問有無咩course適合我。英國文化協會有course focus on writing(especially文件or essay類)嗎?如果無又有咩course適合呢 thank you very much

but the main problem,no one can teach me, and no one can criticize me, no one can point out my problem, I won't improve even I write a thousand of composition

回答 (4)

2008-08-17 8:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
我都好同意呀,因為如果冇人話俾你知岩定錯,你根本好難改善到D英文~我而家係englishtown讀緊,我覺得ok,佢個course就冇話齋練writing既,樣樣都有D,不過我覺得oral好左,都幫到自己writing個方面~如果你話想針對grammar個D佢online有個grammar lab,可以學番D grammar,亦都有片睇,但我覺得咁樣同你睇英文書分別唔大,齋學唔練都係死~所以佢個度都要你作文,老師會係兩日之內改番篇文俾你,呢個都幾好,因為真係知自己錯咩~同埋你可以任練,只要你肯寫就有人同你改
另外佢oral個part都學到幾多野,因為除左online,仲要去centre上堂,同埋有課外活動參加,我最常去佢個pronunciation workshop,可以改善番自己d發音,而課外活動就識勁多vocab,因為真係勁去唔同活動,你會識到勁多唔同既生字,譬如我地會去玩wakeboard,打golf,船河等等...
至於British Council我唔知佢有冇writing既course呀,但我而家個度有D同學都去過BC讀,但話上堂既模式都係同U差唔多...作用不大,好睇同咩人一班,有時都幾悶
參考: 自己
2008-08-10 4:03 pm
im not really sure is there any suitable course in hk!!!but i think if u read more english books speak more and check any words in the dictionary that you dont understand,i think that would help!!!im my opinion i think speak more english would help the most!!!!

hope that my advices would be helpful to you!!!!:)
2008-08-09 8:31 am
but the main problem,no one can teach me, and no one can criticize me, no one can point out my problem, I won't improve even I write a thousand of composition
2008-08-09 6:41 am
There is actually no specific course for your writing.
If you write more and practise it daily, then your writing will naturally improve.
At this time, people would normally say, " Practise makes perfect" and " No pain no gain".

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