”due to” vs ”because of”

2008-08-08 9:30 am
i am not sure about their usage

1) can u please tell me the different between them?
2) can u example with examples?

回答 (3)

2008-08-08 11:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
因為 because of 用法如 adverb(即 adverbial),修飾o既係動詞。
e.g. He made the decision because of his girlfriend.
但 due to 就傳統以來被視為一個形容詞,即係佢應該係以 be due to o既形態出現!同一句例子用 due to,就要改寫成:
His decision was due to his girlfriend.
但係,多年來愈來愈多人將 due to 用作 adverbial,界線開始含糊。不過追本逐源,就應該用 be due to。呢個分別仍然有文法學家堅持。
你日後用 due to 唔加 be,人地當唔當你錯,只係睇你遇著乜o野人。穩陣起見,加 be 一定唔會錯。事實上即使用 because of 套入上句:
His decision was because of his girlfriend.
2008-08-08 9:47 am
Hi, I do not find any difference between due to and because of both in :
Meaning : on account of, by reason of, for the purpose of
Usage : no difference
Example :
- I cannot go to your party due to my sickness
- I cannot go to your party because of my sickness
- John’s result is better than me due to his good basic knowledge.
- John’s result is better than me because of his good basic knowledge.
Please let me know if you think otherwise.
參考: Myself
2008-08-08 9:45 am
1) 基本上用法一樣。
2)example 是名詞 唔可以咁講 你的句子有錯!

你可以講 explain with example/instance

i am not sure about their usage <--唔太明你想表達咩 你想講 你唔知點用?

你應該講 i am not sure how to use them.

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