runescape pets

2008-08-08 7:15 am
我想養番隻runescape 既寵物上youtube見人有隻寵物架唔該我好想要隻!同埋講點樣養,例如隻pet要食咩,同埋佢會唔會死,有冇得升隻pet lvl架?講中文或英文都得!

我係runescape個名 tony_charles(38 lvl) give u 20 points

回答 (1)

2008-08-08 1:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Only Runescape members can get the pet..different pet eat different food such as dog eat meat ..if you don't talk care of the pet..he might died!! Upgrade pet lvl...I don't know but I don't think so...By the way...if you want to get a
dragon you need to reach to lvl 99!!
Good Luck..
Also: add laumiulun to your fd list
He is my brother!!He play runescape too~~
(71 lvl)
參考: 我

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