
2008-08-08 6:09 am
我唔明would同will有咩分別,佢地除左係past tense之外,仲有咩分別????

回答 (4)

2008-08-08 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Beside being the past tense of will, would also has the following meanings which will does not possess :

1. express one’s willingness :
I told you I would like to go to the party, no matter whether you like or not.

2. showing habit that one does not have anymore :
My father would always talk about his tour to Europe , until we are tired of hearing that.

3. to predict :
I believe he would accept my offer.

4. express a wish or preference :
I would like to have cheese cake as dessert for dinner tonight.

5. suggesting something out of supposing or conditioning :
I would join you if you can change the lunch meeting to Friday.

6. express an appeal indirectly :
Would it be possible for me to have a dinner with you tonight ?

7. express a wish :
I wish I were young enough to stay up overnight like you young folks do.

8. a word to show the ability (mostly about things, not human) :
This room would seat 100 people.

參考: Myself
2008-08-08 10:00 pm
would 同will有小小分別,would 係用係禮貌ge方面,例如: Would you like to have some......../I would like......../I wouldn't like..........就係甘用多D。
而will 就通常跟if 一齊用ge,例如:You will see some special birds if you go to Mai Po Marshes.........
參考: me
2008-08-08 6:34 am
will 同 would 冇分別?我以為其碼有人會講得出 would 係 will o既 past tense form。
留意,will 用於指出一個決定,講出想將來做o既事。如:
I will go home first, then we will meet at 5pm at the cinema.
但 would 就唔會用於呢個情況(除非係用作 will o既 past tense 時)。past tense 有委婉之意,將語氣減弱,無咁直接,正如用於講可能性時, could o既可能性比 can 低。
因此,用 would 提出要求係比較婉轉,亦令人覺得較有禮。如:
Will you do that for me, please? 只用於熟朋友間
Would you do that for me, please? 就較委婉,無咁熟或要求較難做時用
would 亦係用於表達意願,呢個意思 will 就冇。如:
I would like to ask you out for dinner. (絕不能講 I will like...)
2008-08-08 6:22 am
In my opinion,there seems to be no difference between these 2 words.

I don't know whether the followings are sorts of difference:

If I were you,I would not buy this expensive yet useless box.
(Conditional sentence II )

Would you mind passing me that dish of fish?
(I've never seen 'will' is used in such pattern)
參考: myself

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