is the sentence grammatically correct?

2008-08-08 1:46 am
sentence: Police said the man, whose has not yet been formally identified.

I know that the following 2 sentences should be correct
Police said the man, whose name has not been released.
Police said the man, whose name has not been released, has not yet been formally identified.

source: 9th sentence in

回答 (5)

2008-08-08 6:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let’s simplify the problems :
sentence: Police said the man, whose has not yet been formally identified.
Above sentence is wrong. There should be a word after “whose” which is referring to “the man”. It can be “whose name”, “whose nationality”, etc.

Police said the man, whose name has not been released. – Wrong because this sentence is incomplete. Police said the man, whose name has not been released, (then what ?) Some more information should be added to make this sentence complete. The “whose name has not been released” is just additional information about the man. Without this clause, the sentence becomes : Police said the man,?????

Police said the man, whose name has not been released, has not yet been formally identified. – Correct and complete sentence.
參考: Myself
2008-08-08 6:43 pm
No because this is a frament, or an incomplete sentence, it's missing something, in this case, the most important piece of information about the man.

The sentense should have read something like "Police said the man, whose has not yet been formally identified, WAS lawfully insane or HAS a history of violence." So on and so on.

It shouldn't have stopped at the second comma.

To make this more simpler,

The frament "whose has not yet been formally identified" is a secondary piece of information about the man, not the most important piece,

so if you cross it out and leave the sentence with "Police said the man was lawfully insance." or "Police said the man has a history of violence.",

it should be a complete sentence.

but in your case, it would just be" Police said the man",

Police said the man what?

This is obviously incomplete.

If you still have trouble with this, just translate what you have in Chinese, and it should be clear that this is a frament and therefore it's grammatically incorrect.
2008-08-08 3:43 am
I have looked up the original sentence from your source:

Police said the man, whose name has not been released, has not yet been formally identified.

Obviosly, this sentence is correct.

However, the other two sentences are incorrect.
1. Police said the man, whose has not yet been formally identified.
2. Police said the man, whose name has not been released.

In sentence 1,
Police said the man, whose has not yet been formally identified.
"whose" in Chinese means 那人的.
It must be followed by a noun, and "has" is not a noun.

So the correct sentence is:
Police said the man has not yet been formally identified.

You will not understand what's wrong with the sentence 2 unless you understand the structure of the original sentence. Let's take a look at the original sentence.

Police said the man, whose name has not been released, has not yet been formally identified.

Notice that there are TWO commas in ONE sentence. The part in between the 2 commas "whose name has not been released" is an added explanation to "the man". The purpose is to give you more information about this man.

I said it was an added explanation because the sentence is still correct if this explanation is ignored. This gives us:
Police said the man has not yet been formally identified.

Now you understand the structure of the original sentence. You should be able to see the problem in sentence 2.

Police said the man, whose name has not been released.

After the added explanation, the sentence ended. So the sentence structure is not complete. When you omit the added part(the part between 2 commas), all that is left is:
Police said the man.

Again, incorrect because it is NOT a complete sentence.
2008-08-08 3:28 am
Police said the man, whose name has not been released, has not yet been formally identified.
點解?因為 whose 帶出o既係一個 relative clause(關係子句),子句本身係一個完整句子,而刪去子句後,主句本身亦應該係完整。試刪子句,得返o黎o既主句就係:
Police said (that) the man has not yet been formally identified.
當中 said 後有一 that clause(只係 that 往往省略),而 that clause 亦係完整句子。
= = = = = = = = = = =
Police said the man, whose name has not been released.
呢句主句係 Police said the man。police 講完個男人,然後 whose... 補充資料,跟住就唔知個人發生乜事。所以有問題。
Police said the man, [who] has not yet been formally identified.
呢句我相信依家你都睇得出啦,主句依然仲係 Police said the man,只係子句補充o既資料轉o左。因此依然有錯。
Police said the man's name has not been released.
Police said the man has not yet been formally identified.
2008-08-08 2:41 am
Yes , the sentence: Police said the man, whose has not yet been formally identified is grammatiaclly correct.
his name has not been release and he has not yet been formally identified , these two sectences both are extra informations , just have a difference on the position .
If you choose either one as the relative clause , i.e. :
1.Police said the man, whose name has not been released.
2.Police said the man, whose has not yet been formally identified.

both are correct!

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