一封english e-mail 唔知點寫,幫下手 thx

2008-08-08 1:31 am
我想send一個email比一個shopping mall (冇 contact person)

內容: 我想在你的shopping mall 租個位放10台扭蛋機(唔係要舖位),唔知要幾多錢?最好放在出入口或當眼地方


當shopping mall close,會唔會有人把扭蛋機收走,開門時有冇人放回?

回答 (1)

2008-08-08 1:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
(shopping mall’s name)
(shopping mall’s address)
Dear XXX shopping mall marketing manager,

I am interested to having a business with your shopping mall. I want to ask do you have any place nearly the entrance for 10 dollies’ machines but not boutique? Is it the rent including the insurance, management fee and something else? Everyday when your shopping mall close, is any staff will help me to keep the machine and put it back when the shopping mall open every morning?
Please kindly reply by this e-mail address: xxx.xxx.com, and my contact number is xxxx-xxxx. Thanks for your attention.

Best regards,

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