[英文一問] 文法問題.

2008-08-07 10:02 pm
I hope all lovers can find that a fine memory in today.


2.錯既話幫我改岩佢? (只係改岩個文法就ok)

如果用一d較簡單既英文應該係點表達? (另作一句)


回答 (4)

2008-08-07 11:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"I hope all lovers can find that a fine memory in today."
1.如果 find 後加 that,咁 that 就係帶出一個 that clause,必定係一句完整句子,如:I found that the car was gone.
所以 that 要刪去。
2.memory 單數時往往解作「記憶力」,作「回憶」解時多用複數,我地亦會用到一個靚do既方法去講「美好回憶」:fond memories
3.today 毋須用 preposition 帶出,如 I have not seen him today.
4.find 係「找到」之意,亦可作「感到」解。但兩個都唔係你想要o既意思,不如回歸基本,用 have。但如果你係想講「我希望所有情侶今天帶著美好的回憶離開(此處)」,咁就可以用 leave with fond memories of today.
I hope all lovers can leave with fond memories of today.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
May all of you leave with fond memories of today.
May 呢度唔係解「可以」,唔係請求,而係帶出一個祝願。
2008-08-07 11:00 pm
2. today,I hope all lovers can find that a fine memory .
3.I hope all lovers can find that in today a fine memory .
參考: me
2008-08-07 10:21 pm
1 有
2 I hope all lovers can have a fine memory today.

2008-08-07 14:22:18 補充:
I hope all lovers can have a good memory today.
參考: me, me
2008-08-07 10:04 pm
I hope all lovers can have a good memory today!
參考: me

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