會計..埋數問題....urgent urgent

2008-08-07 8:12 pm
就嚟audit啦~我已經入哂數但係唔知點拆數,同埋要俾咩report auditor睇呢?


你好~saint02005 想了解 1.試算表平衡 是否係未英文 嘅B/S ? 2.資產負債表 是否係未 P/L ? 3.收支表 是否係未 Income stat. ? 我上任同事就話我知B/S要同general ledger個數要夾,但就算係夾都唔代表唔知有無入啱架? 同埋我想知accrual應該點去入帳呢 ? 例如我入緊七月數但付款六月份嘅數 (當付電費),咁係未dr.accrual cr. cash,咁幾時先正式入返原本嘅a/c(即電費嘅a/c code)??

回答 (2)

2008-08-07 9:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Auditor shall provide you with the document request list before the start of audit. You may refer to the list one by one.

Generally speaking, you may prepare:
1) Trial balance, Balance sheet, Income statement
2) Breakdown of the closing balance of all balance sheet items
3) P/L items would be subjected to auditor request
4) P/L items for tax may be no need to pass to auditors if not requested, be reminded these are for tax purposes
5) Fixed assets register
6) AR and AP ageing report
7) Banking facilities
8) Tax computation
9) Tenancy agreement
10) Bank statement

Hope can help u la

參考: My experience
2008-08-07 8:36 pm
1. 你要全個試算表平衡;
2. 所有資產負債表內項目要提供明細;
3. 收支表要做明細的項目要按照香港公司法例附表十有關項目,另有稅務要求提供如雜費,律師及專業費,維修費等。

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