What is house cheque?

2008-08-07 5:58 pm
What is house cheque?

回答 (3)

2008-08-08 11:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Every cheque can be a house cheque if the payee has the same bank account as the drawee and ask the bank to direct transfer the fund from the drawee's account to the payee's account through the teller's operation by house cheque debit first if the cheque and its signature can be verified and then house cheque credit successfully at the counter so that the payee can use the available credit afterwards without waiting for the normal clearing cheque process .
參考: Banker
2008-08-07 6:09 pm
支票兌現人的入帳戶口和原支票戶口 是屬同一個銀行的為house cheque

House cheque refers to one of which the payee has the same bank as the drawee. The house cheque can be sent to the Clearing House for clearing even though the payee can ask for the bank to direct transfer the fund to his or her own account from the drawer's account at the counter.
2008-08-07 5:58 pm
我唔直接去答你, 用例子答

我頭先去街, 想食野見到有兩間差唔多係連住既茶餐廳

一間夜晚呢個鐘數係主要賣潮州粉麵, 另一間係車仔麵潮州粉麵果間係門口睇到 D 麵幾錢碗, 跟野飲/油菜又幾錢(當然係平過就咁叫) 車仔麵果間無得睇係咩價錢

因為我好耐無食過車仔麵, 所以揀左車仔麵 (但係我既習慣係, 唔列明價錢既餐館我係一律唔去, 今次係例外, 係一次好悲哀既例外 )

入到去車仔麵間野粗幼麵果 D $9 出前一丁 $11 "食送" 貴既 $6, 平既 $5 我食開三 "食送" , 淨係碗麵已經 $28 野飲無得平, $11 凍飲

食就要埋單 $39, 仲未計我計劃叫埋油菜

我再望下佢個 "廚房" (車仔麵通常係o係出面架嘛) 一定唔算係乾淨果隻

我問佢有無平 D 既野呀咁

有, $10 腸份, $10 粉果(佢建議) $10 三隻粉果


跟住去左果間潮州粉麵雙拼麵 + 油菜 + 野飲埋單 $35

仲要食左好靚既豬手 三舊有半個拳頭咁大既豬手, (仲要我碗係雙拼麵, 有兩樣 "食送"), 三舊豬手食晒

上面講左乜野, 自己參透下啦

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