
2008-08-07 9:34 am
中文 U
英文 U
數學 U
中史 U
西史 U
地理 E
total 1 分


中文 E
英文 U
數學 F
中史 D
西史 E
地理 D
total 6 分

我各得仲有努力進步空間,但屋企人同朋友都認為我應該去讀ive適合D,但我想再考第三次,不過係自修,同埋我對ive D科冇興趣,我ge目標係第三次會考有成績如下:
中文 D / E
英文 E / F
數學 D / D
中史 C / C
西史 C / D
地理 C / C
total 14分 或 11分




回答 (2)

2008-08-16 10:38 am
若果你真是有心讀, 很想重考的話, 就不要自修了, 自修的效果慢, 進步空間有限, 倒不如找間學校或夜校去重讀實際點, 靠他們的幫助讓你的成績有更大的提升. 你也不想再重第四次吧!
另外, 不要想得太天真, 不是努力就必定有好成績, 也要靠臨場的發揮, 還有, 若你第三次都不能取得14分, 不能升讀中六, 那你又有甚麼打算呢? 要再重讀多一次嗎?
預科不是念大學的唯一途徑, 還有許多方法, 例如高級文憑和副學士, 或直接讀學士.
若果我是你的話, 我會看看將來想做甚麼工作, 而朝著這個方向進修, 以最短和最高學歷, 政府認可的課程來讀, 不要再浪費時間了, 在你重讀同一課程時, 別人同時已取得多項專業額了.
我會考那年也是考得很差, 不能上中六, ive ,師範, 護士學校也不收我, 後來念了一些課程, 取了一些文憑和證書, 我還是認為不夠, 後來還在公開大學念了五年取得學士學位, 不久後還打算供讀碩士課程.
記住你要想清楚前面要行的路, 不要再浪費時間在同一項沒有信心的事情上, 所謂條條大路通羅馬, 路還有許多條, 想清楚自己要甚麼?
2008-08-16 10:07 am
if you got 14分 , then would you go to study A-level?

if you got 14分, do you think you can get a good mark in A-level for going to university?

at the end, you would study ive ........

the main point is :
1) your chinese, english, memory can not be improved a lot before the next HKCEE......, so i don't think you can get 14分, UNLESS you did not try your best! OR you don't know you can do better .......

2) if you are not interested in anything in ive, then what do you like?
have you though about your career?

3) the advance of going to ive or university is to develop your personal skill / ability in a wide range of different field.
if you stay in HKCEE level, that actually would waste your brain......
the presure/workload/studying style in university or ive would force you to improve yourself, if you are hard working.

finally, if you need more advance or talk, you can send me few emails

I am in master level now, should be able to give u useful idea ^^

2008-08-16 02:24:16 補充:
同埋我對ive D科冇興趣 <---why do u say this sentence?
actually, if you feel the 興趣 because of "the name of the subject" only, then you would be totoally wrong....

2008-08-16 02:24:20 補充:
for example, my friend, he was very interested in economic when he was studying a-level. Later, when he went to university and study econmics......he feel extremely boring....
參考: me

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