英 美 口音問題

2008-08-07 9:09 am
可能係老師o係canada o個邊讀書我學多d佢地...
講for,or,four,er尾 etc既英文都捲舌講...講慣左..
但有時講一d字如dance chance etc的字都會講左英式
如果一句野如我讀four chances...又美又英,外國人聽會唔會好奇怪??

回答 (5)

2008-08-07 10:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
I believe you really do not have to worry about your accents. Nowadays nobody cares for such differences as long as you can communicate your ideas fluently.
In fact I believe if you are so deliberately trying to pronounce the correct accents, you may not be that fluent coz everytime you speak you may have to think whether you are going to use the English or the American accent.
My own experience is that your communication skill is far more important than your accent.
參考: Myself
2008-08-09 4:48 am
幾個都答得好好, 不過我較喜歡003的答案, 我覺得最全面!

所以我投你一票, 003。
2008-08-08 5:35 am
as long as ppl understand wot yr saying y bother yrself n ppl don't seem 2 care these dayz unless yr trying to act lyk an american.
Speak more.this is the way 2 go.
2008-08-07 7:31 pm
如果你太著意口音, 你每說一句話前都會在腦中轉一轉, 這會影響你的fluency. 不理你什麼口音, 主要聽得明就掂. right?
口音是一種很自然的事, 當你和美國人相處得多, 便是美音. 如小孩子與菲律賓工人長處, 則會變成菲律賓音.
其實, 講或寫的文法比口音更重要, 你看澳洲, 加拿大, 英, 美 等人談, 通話時會有問題嗎?
參考: self
2008-08-07 9:59 am
其實唔怕怪, 你讀啱, 人地聽得明就 ok
英國人聽得懂美國人講野, 美國人又聽得懂英國人講野
少少怪就可能會, 但至少你唔係錯, 而且只有外國人聽得分別
唔使咁在意, 好多人都擺脫唔到港式英文. 你嗰啲只係 minor

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