Do you think my friend has what it takes to be a law enforcement officer?

2008-08-06 5:14 pm
My friend works as a security guard. But he wants to be a cop, he says that will give him lots of respect. He keeps himself in good physical condition by working out regularly in the gym. He doesn't smoke, drink, or use drugs. I have no doubt that he can easily pass the academy physical and drug tests.
Then one day he showed off his new boombox, and told me that he bought it from some stranger on the street for $10. I told him it was most likely stolen, and buying stolen properties only encouraged more crime. He just smiled and walked away. I am concerned that he can be easily corrupted if he ever becomes a cop. What do you think?

回答 (9)

2008-08-06 5:33 pm
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If he thinks being a cop will give him respect... he's got another thing coming. The fact of the matter is that most adults in this day and age do not see cop as a respectful person. Being respectful to others is what gets people respect, not their professions. I know this for a fact since I am a social worker who has had to work with many police, corrections, and parole officers.
I would also look at how they interact with people as a gage of how good of a cop he'd be. Does he treat all people of all backgrounds (race, wealth, sex, mental capabilities, etc) and with equal respect and understanding? Is he patient and non judgemental in the most intense situations? Does he make good choices for himself? These are the kind of qualities a good cop has.
If he is young and an idiot (buying a $10 boom box on the street), maybe he's got some learning about life to do before becoming a person who strictly enforces the laws of his community.
2008-08-06 5:25 pm
Sounds like a douche bag. As soon as I read "he says that will give him lots of respect"....that was it, I don't care how great of shape he's in or all that other stuff. He's only concerned with people kissing his butt because he's a cop, and that's it. He'll be the type, pardon my bluntness, but he'd pop wood everytime he put on the uniform and looked at himself in the mirror-and I absolutely hated working or dealing with guys like that. They're whole existence is being a cop, and if they're not cops they wither up and die, so they think anyway. These are the types of cops that give good cops a bad rap. These are the bad seeds so to say, and I really wish departments would weed these buttwipes out.

And no offense to security guards-there are some good ones out there, but that's usually what "wanna bes" end up doing as work either till they can be cops, or they can't be cops so it's the next closest thing in their minds.
參考: Me-dealt with enough jerks like that.
2008-08-06 5:20 pm
I think you're right.

What you said in the second sentence of your question tells me he shouldn't be a cop.

"he says that will give him lots of respect"

That isn't why people should be police. It's the police who have that kind of attitude who are using tasers inappropriately, run the risk of succumbing to temptation and becoming corrupt, etc.

Being a member of the police is not about oneself. It is about others.

I think he should stick to being a security guard.
2008-08-06 5:25 pm
The pre-employment process for law enforcement is pretty detailed and in depth. The physical test is only a small part. He will be subjected to a background investigation and possibly, depending on the department, a psychological evaluation and a polygraph test. If he knew the stereo was stolen, he will likely fail the psych eval and/or the polygraph. Also, the reason for applying as a police officer will likely garner attention of the evaluators.
2008-08-06 5:18 pm
sounds to me that he is going to be a dirty cop... it wont give him respect people wont fear him they will loath him...
2008-08-06 5:18 pm
It takes more to being a cop then being in shape. Plus they look into your background before you get hired so if he's hanging out with people with questionable morals he'll get weeded out.
2008-08-06 5:20 pm
Sounds like he plays the picks and choose card for knowing whats right and wrong. He'd get himself in trouble. I would say stay security.
2008-08-06 5:18 pm
Well that was just a dumb move. If he is easily corrupted like that he will most likley not pass the battery of tests.
2008-08-06 5:30 pm
I dont think "you" will make a honest cop.
參考: Common sense

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