
2008-08-07 7:56 am
條題目係:The figure shows a pool of depth 1m at one end and 4m at the other end.The length and width of the pool are 40m and 10m respectively.Find the capacity of the pool.(要詳盡解答)
Cross-sectional area of the pool

回答 (1)

2008-08-07 8:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
the swimming pool is a trapezium prism,
the capacity of the pool = volume of the figure = area of cross-section X length
= [(1+4)(40)/2](10)
= 1000m^3

2008-08-07 00:34:51 補充:
Cross-sectional area of the pool is a trapezium
= (1+4)(40)/2

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