[英文]求教英文, 請幫忙

2008-08-07 7:07 am
如果我中文想咁講, 英文咁樣打, 得唔得,thx

我們手上的30碼布質量是比之前頭20碼用在修改板的好, 但是這種布都是非常容易損壞於做板過程中

Our spare fabric is around 30 yards on hand now. The quality is better than the first of 20 yards that used on revised sample before.
But the fabric also are creased easily in making sample process

回答 (4)

2008-08-07 11:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
The 30 meters of fabric on hand has a better quality than the 20 meters that was used in the previous revised sample. However this kind of fabric are all very easily damaged during the sampling process.
參考: Myself
2008-08-07 6:54 pm
我們手上的30碼布質量是比之前頭20碼用在修改板的好, 但是這種布都是非常容易損壞於做板過程中

We have now got 30 yards of fabric which is better in quality than the 20 yards of fabric previously used in the revised version of sampling. However, we have to remind you that this kind of fabric is easily damaged while in the process of making a sample.
2008-08-07 10:00 am
我們手上的30碼布質量是比之前頭20碼用在修改板的好, 但是這種布都是非常容易損壞於做板過程中。

Our spare fabric on hand is around 30 yards. Its quality is better than the first 20 yards of the fabric used for revised sample before. But this type of fabric can be easily creased during the sample-making process.

2008-08-07 7:26 am
The quality of the 30 yards of cloth on hand is better than the 20 yards before,which was used as the revised sample, but that kind of cloth can be damaged very easily when making sample.

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