我有一條唔識做的題目(train up mathematics P6 to s1 p.39)

2008-08-07 5:33 am
條題目係:Do you know what is the application of directed numbers?In the above exercises,we used directed numbers to represent temperature below or above 0度.Can you give tow more examples of the application of directed numbers?Write down what positive numbers and negative respresent
respectively. 請問點做?

回答 (2)

2008-08-07 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Distance from a fixed point O.To the east is positive to the west is negative.

2.Scale of a shop.Positive numbers represent profit.Negative numbers represent loss.

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2008-08-06 21:48:02 補充:
參考: 自己
2008-08-07 5:46 am
one is timelapse(時差).
positive numbers mean more hours.
negative numbers mean less hours.
second is pressure
positive numbers mean more pressure
negative numbers mean less pressure
參考: me

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