grammar 問題, 唔該

2008-08-07 1:39 am
an unempolyed man accused of killing two people at....

我知係呢個情況, kill 係用 ing form
但係就講唔出點解, 唔該有冇人可以解一解個原因

回答 (3)

2008-08-07 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實呢個原因係同prepositions 有關

在prepositions後面必須係名詞或動名詞...即係 noun 同 verb+ing form



in,on,about,to,before ,of,after,for......etc
2008-08-10 4:11 pm
an unemployed man is being accused of killing two people in the insurance company because he is not satisfied with the compensation....
2008-08-07 1:46 am
In this case, we use ing form as the killing is followed by of.
OF is a preposition, we usually use ing form after a preposition!

2008-08-06 18:05:33 補充:
not a must but USUALLY!!
參考: myself:)

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