我想問下大家知唔知Lemon Tree Animation既作者係誰呀?

2008-08-06 11:11 pm
我想問下大家知唔知Lemon Tree Animation既作者係誰呀?



回答 (1)

2008-08-07 12:10 am
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Fools Garden
Fool's Garden: Lemon Tree

I'm sitting here in a boring room.
It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon.
I'm waisting my time, I got nothing to do.
I'm hanging around, I'm waiting for you.
But nothing ever happens, and I wonder.

I'm driving around in my car.
I'm driving too fast, I'm drving too far.
I'd like to change my point of view.
I felt so lonely, I'm waiting for you.
But nothing ever happens, and I wonder.

I wonder how, I wonder why.
Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky.
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.
I'm turning my head up and down.
I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around.
And all that I can see is just another yellow lemon tree.

I'm sitting here, and I miss the power.
I'd like to go out taking a shower.
But there's a heavy clound inside my mind.
I feel so tired, and put myself into bed.
Where nothing ever happens, and I wonder.

I'm stepping around in a desert of joy.
Baby, anyhow I get another toy.
And everthing will happen, and you wonder.

And all that I can see is just another lemon tree.
And all that I can see,
And all that I can see,
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.
你說對愛太專注 容易孤獨
這句話甚麼意思 我不清楚
我愛上了云 愛上你
多麼希望像你 自由来去
反覆看部電影 一遍一遍
孤獨的流著眼淚 回憶太美
愛多美麗 充滿香氣
我不懂我自己 越来越像 Lemon Tree

Isolation 想住進心裹
Isolation 期待下雨的一棵 Lemon Tree
你總是望著 藍藍海面
說著流浪過的梦 容易實現
這句說甚麼意思 我不清楚
我愛上了云 愛上你
你說對愛太專注 容易孤獨
這句話甚麼意思 我不清楚
我愛上了云 愛上你
多麼希望像你 自由来去
反覆看部電影 一遍一遍
孤獨的流著眼淚 回憶太美
愛多美麗 充滿香氣
我不懂我自己 越来越像 Lemon Tree

海藍藍的天气氣我的愛是 Lemon Tree
Isolation 想住進心裹
Isolation 期待下雨的一棵 Lemon Tree
你總是望著 藍藍海面
說著流浪過的梦 容易實現
這句說甚麼意思 我不清楚
參考: 自己

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