幫幫忙, 將中文翻譯成德文

2008-08-06 9:22 pm

牛扒, 豬扒, 龍蝦, 青口, 煲豬手, 薯片, 軟糖, 煎魚, 龍蝦湯, 蟹, 牛柳, 青菜, 咖啡, 奶荼

最好有埋英文-v- 謝啦~

回答 (1)

2008-08-07 4:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Oh please - to the poster above: if you're not sure about it, don't EVER use those silly online translators! Have a closer look at your answer and tell me how silly they sound!
Here are the CORRECT answers:
牛扒 - steak (no need to say beef steak because 'steak' already means beef usually) - das Lendenschnitte (das Beefsteak is a loan word fom English)
豬扒 - pork chop - das Schweinkotelett
龍蝦 - lobster - der Hummer
青口 - mussel - die Muschel
煲豬手 - cooked/stewed pork hocks - die Schweinshaxe (this word means pig's hocks but the dish is also called 'Schweinshaxe')
薯片 - chips or crips (British English) - die Kartoffelchips
軟糖 - soft sweets / lollies - der Bonbon (die Bonbons = plural)
煎魚 - pan-fried fish - der Bratfisch
龍蝦湯 - lobster soup - die Hummer Soupe
蟹 - die Krabbe
牛柳 - beef fillet - das Filetsteak (English loan word again) - das Filet
青菜 - vegetables/green vegetables - das Gemuese (ue = u with two dots on top)
咖啡 - coffee - der Kaffee
奶荼 - white tea - Tee mit Milch (in German there's no such things as 'white tea' or 'white coffee'. They can only say 'tea with milk', 'coffee with milk')

參考: Me

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