加拿大多倫多既High school.

2008-08-06 9:20 am
我岩岩讀完中3, 我要返加拿大多倫多讀High school.
如無意外我就應該係要讀grade 10架喇.
我下個禮拜要考ESL果個試, 考完先再搵學校.
而加我住系North York.
我如果去Public School就應該會被分左去
"Georges Vanier Secondary School"係donmills.
又咁岩岩好我地既住址吾比入earl haig.
所以諗住搵間catholic school.

1. Georges Vanier Secondary School 好吾好? 成績點? 校風好吾好?
入大學%高吾高? 果度地區既人會吾會好雜架? 有冇人成日打架?
2. 有邊d好既catholic school?
3. Cardinal Carter 同埋 Loretto Abbey呢2間catholic school好吾好架? 邊間
4. 近North York有邊間好既Catholic School可以介紹?
5. 我系信天主教領左洗的. 我入Catholic School會有什麼手續?

Thank you=)

咁樣果間「Loretto Abbey」洗吾洗比學費架? thanks:]

回答 (1)

2008-08-08 2:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
To be honest public school and catholic schools are pretty much the same. When I was living in York Mills, I went to public schools only to found out that the French teachers didn't even talk to me because I got into the class in the middle of the year. Then I changed to a catholic school treachers are abit better but still over crowed most of my classes are in "portables" (containers turned into classrooms). At the end I went to a private school when I was in gr 10 and finished my high school years there. Private school teachers pay much more attention to the students, there are less than 20ppl in a class, the minimum that I had in a class are 4 students.
Private schools are generally catholic schools but they are not under the catholic school board. All the kids there are from good family background cause the tuition fees for each year is over CAD10,000
I do not know if there are any catholic school in the North York area but I know there are quite a few private schools there, since most private schools are either in down town or close to down town area.
You can probably check the catholic school board's website.

2008-08-07 18:31:12 補充:
Loretto Abbey is quite a good ALL GIRLS school, my sister went there and it seems to be one of the best catholic schools around. I went to Brebeuf College before heading to a private school, if you ask me don't go to Brebeuf if you are a boy and don't go to St. Joesph Morro Park if you are a girl.

2008-08-07 18:36:30 補充:
Both catholic and private schools requires their students to wear uniform.
參考: myself

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