
2008-08-07 3:03 am





1. I,________, a Republic of china(Taiwan)national and the holder of R.O.C passport NO._________issued on_________which will expire on__________.I was born on_________and my permanent address in Taiwan,R.O.C. is______________________________.


2. I am single / divorced / widowed. 3. I am fully qualifed and eligible to marry a Thai national named _________according to thai law.


4. My occupation is_________and my income is $__________NTD a month. 5. I give below two references in R.O.C.(Taiwan): Name: Address: Phone:


6. Under penalty of forgery of document,I,_________assume full and complete responsibility for the veracity of the statement herein.

回答 (2)

2008-08-07 4:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I我,__(姓名)______, a Republic of china(Taiwan)national 台灣的國民and the holder of
R.O.C passport 中華民國護照的持有人NO.號碼___(護照號碼)______issued發行 on在_(護照發行日期)________which will
expire on將到期___(護照到期日期)_______.I was born on我出生在__(出生日期)_______and my permanent
address我永久的住址 in Taiwan,R.O.C.在中華民國 is是_(出生日期)_____________________________.

2008-08-06 19:25:26 補充

2. I am我是 single單身 / divorced離婚的 / widowed喪偶的.
3. I am fully qualifed 我是完全合格and 而且eligible 合法to marry 娶(嫁)a Thai national 泰國的國民named名字叫做
__(泰國新娘或者新郎名字)_______according to thai law根據泰國法律.

2008-08-06 19:25:42 補充

4. My occupation is我的職業是_(職業名稱)________and 而且my income is我的收入是 $____(每月新台幣收入)______NTD 新台幣
a month一個月.
5. I give below two references in R.O.C.(Taiwan):我給兩個台灣推薦人
Phone: 電話(兩位推薦人電話)

2008-08-06 19:25:55 補充

6. Under penalty of forgery of document假造文件刑罰,I我,_(自己姓名)________assume full and
complete responsibility for the veracity of the statement herein. 於此完全承擔聲明的誠實之完全責任
2008-08-07 4:23 am
1. I,________, 我, _(名字)__,

a Republic of china(Taiwan)national and the holder of
R.O.C passport NO._________一個中華民國(台灣)國民以及持有中華民國護照號碼_______

issued on_________發照日期___________

which will expire on__________.效期截止日期__________

I was born on_________我出生於__(生日)__

and my permanent address in Taiwan,R.O.C. is______________________________. 我在台灣的永久居住地址是______________

2. I am single / divorced / widowed. 我是 單身/離婚/寡居

3. I am fully qualifed and eligible to marry a Thai national named
_________according to thai law. 我充份滿足泰國法律可以與泰國公民名叫____________結婚

4. My occupation is_________我的工作是 __________

and my income is $__________NTD a month.
我的薪資是每月新台幣 _______
5. I give below two references in R.O.C.(Taiwan):以下我提供兩位在台灣的保證人

6. Under penalty of forgery of document,在偽造文書的刑責之下
I,_________ 我 __(姓名)____

assume full and complete responsibility for the veracity of the statement herein. 於此擔負此文書真實性的所有責任
參考: me

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