
2008-08-06 2:34 am
what's the difference between security, stock and share? 中文翻譯都係股票,但有什麽區別?


回答 (2)

2008-08-06 3:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Security = 證券,包括股票, 債券,可換股債券及衍生工具,窩輪,期貨合約等等的票據

Stock = 股票 ( 上市公司 )

Share = 泛指 股票 ( 上市公司或非上市公司 )
及股份 ( 沒有票據「股票」的公司股權, )o

2008-08-06 08:35:38 補充:
e.g. I buy stock though S.H.K scurities company = 我透過S.H.K.証券公司買股票.

Stock market = 股票市場

I hold a hundred thousand shares in the China bank . = 我擁有十萬股中國銀行股份
2008-08-06 11:27 pm
Thank you very much~~~

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