Fry Food 與 Fried Food 有何分別? 哪個才是正確的用法?

2008-08-06 1:28 am
[Fry] Food 與[Fried] Food 有何分別? 哪個才是正確的用法?

回答 (4)

2008-08-06 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
fry 即 炸 的意思
fried 同係解 炸 但過去式
fry food 即炸食物 係度 炸 係動詞
但 fried food 即已經 炸 過的食物
係文法上fried food 才是正確的用法
參考: 之前老師講的
2008-08-06 2:26 am
[Fry] Food 與[Fried] Food 有何分別? 哪個才是正確的用法?
Fry food - fry, is a verb here, means frying some kind of food. 實際上 fry food 是很chinglish的, 正如eat dinner一樣的不通.
Fried food - fried, is an adjective, which means this food is being fried, such as French fried, onion rings etc.
參考: self
2008-08-06 1:45 am
Fried Food

Fried is an adjective

meanings: 油炸的,油煎的

Fry is a noun and verb

meanings: 油煎,油炸,油炒
2008-08-06 1:38 am
It should be "fried food" and fried is act as an adjective.

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