
2008-08-05 11:24 pm
我新婚不久, 雖然我丈夫高大威猛, 不過他有性無能, 每夜只能用口和手給我慰藉, 不能真正性交, 使我很難過, 我想和他離婚還是繼續這樣下去, 請姊妹們給我意見? 如何性生活比較好.

回答 (3)

2008-08-06 1:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
你地一定要去睇醫生呀!無論係生理或心理問題,都要正視,唔好以為有愛就可以咁樣遷就, 長此下去一定出事,快啲去搵社工或醫生幫你啦,唔洗驚呀!
2008-08-10 12:26 am
參考: me
2008-08-09 6:56 am
Don't be upset. Your marriage is blessed by Lord. Just see a doctor together as soon as possible. That could be a short term problem, which is affected by other physical problems, go find out if your husband have other sicknesses that affect his sexual ability.

Since you have decided to take his hand as your husband in front of the Lord, you have promised to be with him no matter in sickness or proverty. If you really love him, you should stay with him. You should know how important this problem is to males, and as his wife, isn't your responsibility to stay besides him? pls don't run away.
參考: myself

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