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2008-08-05 10:06 pm
摘要 1:

摘要 2:

摘要 3:
在回收的30份有效問卷中,男性及女性的比例分別各佔18人(60%)及12人(40%),年齡分佈則有90%集中在22 -- 30歲,一共有27人。經驗年資的比例在少於1年有12人(40%),1年至3年有17人(57%),而多於3年只有一人(3%)。學歷分怖中中學程度的比例佔3人(10%),大專程度的有16人(53%),大學程度的有11人(37%),而高於大學的程度的則為0人。另外從數據中得出女性在公司各主體數據方面均較男性滿意度為高。在各項公司主體因素滿意度評分中,不離職的人亦較會離職的人滿意度為高。而從綜合主體數據與離職交叉分析中,可以看出最後在不會離職與會離職之間的各項主體數據平均分差距,得出各主體數據在離職與不離職者之間的顯著性影響,其依次排列為如表4-30,得出的結果是主要影響其離職因素較大的是:升遷機會、工作氣氛及工作士氣等。

摘要 4:

回答 (3)

2008-08-06 2:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Abstract 1:
The above documents, the work of this study that environmental factors (such as salaries, promotion, competent, and colleagues, organizational climate, etc.), content (such as the work itself and the satisfaction of work, etc.) is indeed the intention of leaving the determining factor One. If companies can increase the staff of the work, and organizational context of the recognition factor extent, will be able to improve the work of the staff input on the extent and full access to staff emotional and psychological on the ownership and undertake that further work in the role of Show positive behavior. Comparison can also create internal staff to meet, thereby enabling the staff of the organization have a loyal and stayto avoid staff once a better job opportunities arise, which triggered the transfer of the concept first.
And in-service management, we also need some strategies to cope with such as the establishment of some system of reinforcement strategy: appeal to import personnel and consulting system, or improve human relations and various incentive policies and the use of retirement-related policies, to reduce Promote or hinder the resignation incentives, or job re-engineering: the staff have the right to participate in decision-making and access to job performance feedback. Against non-voluntary departure of the dismissal, he believes that the dismissal was considered a necessary means to solve the problem, the operators of the necessary decisions quickly and clearly, so as to avoid staff unrest and concerns, or to deal with the difficulty to affect the morale of .
參考: 翻譯機.
2008-08-10 8:23 pm
Abstract 1:
The above documents, the work of this study that environmental factors (such as salaries, promotion, competent, and colleagues, organizational climate, etc.), content (such as the work itself and the satisfaction of work, etc.) is indeed the intention of leaving the determining factor One. If companies can increase the staff of the work, and organizational context of the recognition factor extent, will be able to improve the work of the staff input on the extent and full access to staff emotional and psychological on the ownership and undertake that further work in the role of Show positive behavior. Comparison can also create internal staff to meet, thereby enabling the staff of the organization have a loyal and stay戀to avoid staff once a better job opportunities arise, which triggered the transfer of the concept first.
And in-service management, we also need some strategies to cope with such as the establishment of some system of reinforcement strategy: appeal to import personnel and consulting system, or improve human relations and various incentive policies and the use of retirement-related policies, to reduce Promote or hinder the resignation incentives, or job re-engineering: the staff have the right to participate in decision-making and access to job performance feedback. Against non-voluntary departure of the dismissal, he believes that the dismissal was considered a necessary means to solve the problem, the operators of the necessary decisions quickly and clearly, so as to avoid staff unrest and concerns, or to deal with the difficulty to affect the morale of .

2008-08-10 12:24:22 補充:
2008-08-09 2:18 am
Abstract 2: these chapter of center we will be able to decide on the
related research technique flow and a research composition, about
asked the volume design aspect will be able to divide into for the
master data and the subject data two parts, the master data will be
able to include the employee sex, the employee age, the employee
serves the period of service and the employee education level; But the
main body data will include the company environmental factor: But the
related company environmental factor also will divide into "the wages
and the welfare", "the working conditions" and "the company system"
three big kinds, in each big kind will have several item of related
minor sorts. Each minor sort will be able to divide into "extremely
satisfies", "satisfaction", "ordinary", "is unsatisfied" and "is
extremely unsatisfied" five ranks, the score separately from
"extremely satisfies" represents 5 to divide, "satisfaction"
represents 4 to divide, "is ordinary" represents 3 to divide, "is
unsatisfied" represents 2 to divide and "is extremely unsatisfied"
represents 1 minute. This research will be able to use these data to
carry on the independence and the overlapping analysis between, in the
last count various main bodies data will be able to leave job and can
leave job the average satisfaction disparity, then will arrange the
staff according to its importance which that kind of company factor
will be can leave job most to pay attention to the part.

2008-08-08 18:18:23 補充:
參考: me

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