Healthy Living

2008-08-05 9:20 pm
Healthy Living
Eating habits:
Prepare your food in healthy ways such as using(1)__________________________________.
Eat about(3)______________________servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
Eat small amounts of healthy snacks such as a handful of(4)_________________,a few whole-grain(5)_______________________,a few(6)_______________________,a few(7)_____________________or a cup of(8)________________________.

Drinking habits:
Drink about(9)_______________________litres of water every day.
Limit yourself to about(10)_______________of fresh fruit juice a day.
Only have a glass or a small bottle of(11)____________________on special occasions.

Having enough exercise:
Make sure you have at last(12)_____________________________of exercise every day.

Having enough sleep:
Go to bed at about(13)________________________________every day,even at (14)___________________.

回答 (1)

2008-08-05 10:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hello, suggested answers as below:

Healthy Living
Eating habits:
Prepare your food in healthy ways such as using (1) vegetable oil.
Use (2) less salt.
Eat about (3) three servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
Eat small amounts of healthy snacks such as a handful of (4) tried fruits, a few whole-grain(5) biscuit, a few (6) low-sugar chocolate, a few (7) nuts or a cup of (8) Chinese tea.

Drinking habits:
Drink about (9) 1.50 litres of water every day.
Limit yourself to about (10) 350ml of fresh fruit juice a day.
Only have a glass or a small bottle of (11) red wine on special occasions.

Having enough exercise:
Make sure you have at last (12) 1.5 hours of exercise every day.

Having enough sleep:
Go to bed at about (13) 10:00pm every day, even at (14) 11:00pm.

Thank you.

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