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D2 - 澳門的士高 | Macau.com
D2 (DD2) - Located a couple blocks from the Lisboa. All taxi drivers understand “D2″. Disco and club music - remodeled and looking nice as of July 2008. Dark lighting, disco lights and very loud sub bass speakers (some people I’ve went with brought earplugs but I like it). They do not let in Indonesians. Wed night ladies night. This club has professional dancers (both male and female) that dance on stages. This is not a strip club, just “go go” dancers. DD2 doesn’t open until 11am so plan for a late night. It doesn’t get going til about 3am - and 5am is when it’s hopping.
D3 (DD3) - Fisherman’s Wharf - Like D2 but for local Chinese. They will let Westerners in and are polite, but don’t expect to be buddies with the table next to you. Like D2, this club has professional dancers both male and female. (Not a strip club). I went there at midnight and the place was empty - came back at 1:30am and it was packed.
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