Runescape money making

2008-08-05 7:47 am
I want FULL GUTHANS!!!But I dont have money though...

So my question is how do I make 7m to buy it?

Well, My goal is to do it in 1-2 weeks

My name is phantomeast , so for my lvls check hiscore I got 500k currently (died during KBD ><)

回答 (3)

2008-08-05 8:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Now, first of all, your fishing lvls ain't bad at all, and so I would recommend that you spend your 1-2 weeks fishing in the fishing guild, for lobbies for example, and that should get you enough money.

Secondly, if you're fed up with the continuous fishing work, and if you could make your cannon balls, money would come quickly if you smelt and smith your own cannon balls. IDK much about cannon balls, but normally iron costs around 100 ea in G.E, and coal costs no more than 200 ea. One steel bar is already nearly 630 ea in G.E, and that means you can earn a sum of 130 ea per steel bar, and cannon balls are usually more popular and more expensive than steel bars, so you could make money through making those.

And, if you got bored of all those fishing / smelting work, you might as well go and get some free seeds from master farmers, and selling them would earn you some money.

As you got 58 runecrafting, you could try making nature runes also. Although that might seem time consuming you earn a whole lot out of those.

If there's really nothing left in your mind to do, then try mining your coal / iron. Coal at the coal trucks and iron, simply all over runescape.

I wouldn't recommend you go fight for yor money, because it is never a stable earn and you might as well lose money by fighting your monsters (you DIED at KBD, remember!?)

As for other skills, cooking wouldn't earn you much money, and cutting yews for money wouldn't be very fast as your woodcutting level is 61, not much higher from the minimum requirement of 60 to chop yews. Your fletching and crafting wouldn't earn you much money at this stage, if yo buy your raw materials. Other skills wouldn't earn you much money also, so better stick to your plans....
參考: ME! And also RuneScape official website for your lvls...
2008-09-18 5:27 am
The website can help you. and
2008-08-13 7:17 am
The fastest way for me
Is gwd but i think ur lvl is not good enough to find ppl go with u or u die easily inside
2. i think high lvl monster also not suitble for u because it's so dangerous
for ur lvl i will suggest u to go avainise(gwd) kill their follower
if u lucky u can earn up 1-2m from addy bar 1 days
3.barrows is quite good for you nats altar ask ppl assist you to make double nats
參考: me

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