
2008-08-05 6:18 am

回答 (1)

2008-08-05 7:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
懲教署 Hong Kong Correctional Services Department
衛生防護中心 Centre for Health Protection
執法機關 law enforcement agency
入境處 Hong Kong Immigration Department
猝死 sudden daeth
家庭傭工 domestic helper(s)
社會服務令 Community Orders Service Scheme
飛躍課程 (唔清楚係咩課程...)
戒備信號 stand-by signal
熱帶低氣 Tropical Cyclones
僱傭合約 employment contract
會考 Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination(HKCEE)
高壓脊 ridge
冰雹報告 report of hail(hailstone)
食物中毒 food poisoning
平安鐘 Personal Emergency Link Service
長者安居服務協會 The Senior Citizen Home Safety Association
華籍騎師 Chinese jockey
政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department
酷熱天氣警告 Very Hot Weather Warnings

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:54:24
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